This classic horror movie spawned a whole franchise of Halloween movies – 11 to be exact, with 2 more in the works. Some have been good, some have been not so good, but I think we can all agree that the original is the best! Grab a drink, get ready for some spooks, and enjoy this 1978 Halloween drinking game. 

Halloween (1978) Drinking Game Rules

Drink 1 sip any time…

  • You see Michael’s knife
  • Loomis gives a warning
  • Lynda says “totally”
  • Annie mentions Paul
  • You see Michael lurking in the background
  • The car begins following someone
  • One of the babysitters does something a babysitter probably shouldn’t do
  • Laurie acts like the responsible one
  • Laurie screams

Drink 2 sips any time…

  • A phone rings
  • Someone dies
  • The iconic Halloween theme music starts

Finish your drink when…

  • The mask comes off!

As always, drink responsibly, and keep lots of water on hand for every drinking game!

For more classic scary movies, check out this list of Halloween drinking games, or explore the full movie list here.

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